Finding Clients as a lawyer: What Red Flags Should I Look for in My Lead Generation Campaigns?
Finding Clients As A Lawyer: Red Flags To Watch Out For Are you concerned about the performance of your lead generation campaign, and suspect hidden issues in your marketing efforts? Here are some of the red flags you should look for in your lead generation campaigns to improve your attorney marketing strategies. Poor Lead Quality Are you feeling frustrated with the quality of your lead generation campaign? It’s part of the process of building a pipeline of leads that will result in great clients. If you suspect that the quality of your lead campaign is not there, here are a few red flags to watch out for. Non-Exclusive Leads If you’re buying leads that are being redistributed to your competitors, that is a big red flag that your lead generation partner is not giving you a competitive edge. In fact, they may be making the competitive landscape of your area worse. If you’re going to pay for a lead generation campaign make sure it’s exclusive. It may be more expensive, but at least it wo...